
I love public speaking so please do not hesisate to reach out if you are looking for a speaker!

Service Design Network — International conference

May 2023

I have spoke about three key mental frameworks that will help designers to create a better, more thoughtful, and humanized future. As per usual, I have guided a meditation session during my talk :)

Service Design Network — International conference

May 2021

I have spoke about the importance of finding your passions, dreams and values as a young designer. I have shared my journey of creating an award-winning thesis project and the realities of how I got started my professional career.

Lux Live Digital Festival — International conference

November 2020

Katia Kolovea and I spoke about how to merge the concepts of presence and light to create rituals that will help people to come back to the power of the present moment. I have once again held a mass meditation session during our talk.

[d]arc room — Global lighting design conference

September 2020

During our talk “Light and the art of being present”, Katia Kolovea and I spoke about the concepts of presence, light, and immersive spaces. We got featured in Arc, the biggest lighting magazine, with a picture of us while I was guiding a mass body scan meditation.

OCAD University — Virtual grad shows

April 2020 & 2021

As an alumni, I was invited to be a speaker at the graduation show at OCAD U for two years in a row.

Beykent University — Industrial design department, Istanbul, Turkey

November 2020

I have talked to thesis students about my journey of creating Sensorium 1.0 and the emotional, strategic, and design challenges that led to an award-winning project.

OCAD University — Industrial design department, Toronto, Canada


My former thesis professor, Alex Manu, invited me to talk to his third year students about my journey of creating Sensorium 1.0.

TEDx Youth — Port Hope, Canada


When I was 17, I made a video about women's rights in Turkey and have showcased it at TEDx Youth.